Newsletter – Goodbye October, Hello November 2017
October is breathing its lasts. It would be ecstatic if we could stretch out the autumn fun to another month, but winter usually comes too early. Fortunately, good things come along with it when holiday season also is here along with Thanksgiving, Black Friday… And we are also back again to celebrate the new season and bring you the most exciting news on our products in recent months to blast away the chill of winter.
It’s time to say goodbye to October and hello to November!
New Products
Creating a community is a difficult task, managing and providing interactions among people in that community is a more challenging task. Don’t worry, we have Advanced Members to assist you to achieve this mission swiftly and easily.
The app features several interesting tools to keep your community alive and people in community activities such as voting for favorite people and highlighting them, complete browsing and searching functions with several criteria and filters, friend suggesting, advanced notifications and messaging, sending birthday wishes… The app serves as a bridge to link people together and keep them connected by activities. You will love them, and members of your community will love them too. So let’s grab the app and see who the nicest people in your community.
News feed is the core part of every social network to connect people. This is where you get updates from people in your community, see their activities, plans, feelings… Advanced Feed provides several additional tools for users to quickly posting new contents, reading, sharing and commenting on other’s contribution with very trending features such as mentioning feelings and control what is being shown in each user’s feed, tagging other users, location check-in. Also, Privacy and Filters feature helps users share their feed to the right people and make their wall cleaner. In addition, the app also upgrades default feed function with emoticons, manage post (hide/show/save) …
Advanced Blog makes your Blog section more interactive and professional. It is an enhancement of default Blog with many improvements in layout and features. Integrated with several of our apps such as Contest, Pages, Group, User Profile, Business Directory System… to provide a rapid transition among apps. The app provides more options for viewers to read with the organization of blocks like Featured Blogs, Most Read, Most Favorited, Most Discussed, Hot Tags… You also can import your blog from other sources (WordPress, Tumblr, Bloggers) to display in your community.
- Support phpFox Videos
- Support phpFox Instant Messaging 4.5.3
- Ultimate Video module: Can upload video in Update Status and Pages, Groups, Business Directory
Bug fixes:
- Error when sharing a group
- Navigate to page instead of group from My Groups list
- Fix albums privacy
- Not go to forum thread or photo when touching on notification
- Cannot subscribe when creating a forum thread
- Fully compatible with phpFox v4.5.3
Bug fixes:
- Do not set winner after an auction complete
- Show duplicate auctions in all page
- Show wrong feed title when sharing multiple photos to auction detail page
- Show error message when clone auction
- “People who liked this” block does not show user avatar
- “Can approve auction” setting does not affect other user levels except admin
- Cannot add won auction to cart
- Some minor layout issues.
- Integrated with Videos app 4.5.3
Bug fixes:
- Cannot get image after upload photo when submitting entries
- Cannot filter contest by category
- Cannot search items when submitting video entry
- Some minor layout issues.
- Fully compatible with phpFox 4.5.3
- Support new way to get more information of Facebook Video
- Support Un-favorite multiple videos in My Favorites Videos section
- Hide button “Create a playlist” button if user does not have permission to create playlist
- Improve Backend settings
Bug fixes:
- Videos always convert failed when uploading from Feed with CDN
- Share video as pages show wrong feed title in Homepage
- Not show any videos when viewing as guest
- Not show any videos belong to changed URL of pages or groups
- Cannot upload video file in Add Form and New Feed
- Cannot search by hashtag if tag has “.” in content
- Activity point does not subtract after deleting video
- Show wrong page name on Edit Video page
- Options in “Add to” drop on Video detail page box keep disappearing after taking action with Phoenix template
- Video Detail page shows the wrong layout
- Copy embed code button on Video detail page does not work
- Add total game was fetched and total game was selected information into Fetch Games popup
- Show Favorite/Un-favorite message in popup instead of redirecting to new page
Bug fixes:
- Cannot play games of some providers on Chrome browser
- Settings in ACP overwrite core’s phrases
- Missing logo of some providers in ACP
- Calendar does not show up when clicking on calendar icon in ACP
- Manage Games, redirect to blank page after editing game
- Does not show thumbnail when sharing game to social networks via Addthis
- Missing phrase in notification when user was invited to play a game
- Some minor layout issues
Bug fixes:
- Cannot send photo if configuration directive “allow_url_open” is turned off
- Layout issue appears when composing message by link
- Add Breadcrumbs in Admin Control Panel
Bug fixes:
- Cannot access user profile if Friend module is disabled
- Always require custom field even though they are entered
- Categories still show up even though they are disabled in ACP
- Manage Services does not show correct members
Got any questions? Feel free to ask us in Client Area. And don’t forget to stay in touch with us to receive our latest updates.