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[V4] – Advanced Marketplace

[V4] - Advanced Marketplace


(This is a product for phpFox version 4. If you’re looking for the same module for version 3, here it is:

Served as an improvement to phpFox Marketplace, Advanced Marketplace module is a great tool to drive business for online merchants. It is equipped with the best product listings that enable sellers to promote their items more efficiently. This module is also enables sellers to offer a variety of products and providing buyers with the convenience of purchasing such products from any single seller. In addition, buyers can rate a product, write a product review, or even follow up with sellers for more updates on their marketplace activities.

Best compatibility: phpFox 4.6.1 – 4.7.0
Product version: 4.02p3


Key Features

  • Support Mobile Application 
  • Migrate listings from default Marketplace to Advanced Marketplace
  • Improve phpFox default Marketplace with more enhanced  features
    • Search Filter
    • Follow sellers for more updates on their marketplace activities
    • Allow users to directly contact a listing’s seller
  • Users can Print a listing
  • Allow users to write a Review on any listing
  • More Blocks added: Featured Listings, Most Viewed Listings, Most Reviewed Listings, Sponsored Listings, Recent Viewed Listings, Suggest Listing etc
  • Support Hashtag
  • Support AddThis
  • Support sponsor in feed
  • Sponsor feature: members will pay fee for their marketplaces to be sponsored by admin (Payment will be made via Active Payment Gate way)
  • Integrate with Fox Favorite (if it was pre-installed)
  • Integrate with Social Publisher
  • Integrate with Profile
  • Integrate with Business
  • Integrate with Affiliate

Front End

  • All Listings
    • Show all available listings on the site
    • Featured listings are displayed in slideshow and user can drag to switch between the feature listings
    • Search Filter: by Keywords, Address (street, city, zip/postal code, country), Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Reviewed)
      • Provide the Ability to sort the searching results (10 / 15 / 18 / 21 per page)
    • Listings are characterized in different blocks: Categories, Recent Listings, Most Viewed Listings,  Most Reviewed Listings.
  • My Listings
    • Show all listings which is created by current logged-in user
    • Search Filter: by Keywords, Address (street, city, zip/postal code, country), Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Reviewed)
      • Provide the Ability to sort the searching results (10 / 15 / 18 / 21 per page)
    • Each listing displays full information such as Listing Name, Thumbnail Image, Price, Creation Date, Country, Status, Number of Reviews, Rating Stars
    • User has the ability to Like / Comment / Share / Print  each listing
    • Admin can Edit / Manage Photos / Send Invitations / Manage Invites / Un-Feature / Delete Listing
  • Listing Invites
    • Show all listings which current logged-in user has been invited to view
      • Only show the invited listings which have not been viewed by current logged-in user
      • When current user views the listing, it will be remove out of this page
    • Search Filter: by Keywords, Address (street, city, zip/postal code, country), Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Reviewed)
      • Provide the Ability to sort the searching results (10 / 15 / 18 / 21 per page)
    • A private search box with the ability to search by: Keywords  and have a search support tools:  Sort by ( Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Reviewed / Recent Viewed ) / Show by (10 / 15 / 18 / 21 per page) / Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today)
    • Each listing displays full information such as Listing Name, Thumbnail Image, Price, Creation Date, Owner Name, Country, Status, Number of Reviews, Rating Stars
    • Provide the user the ability to Like / Comment / Share / Print / Review / Contact Seller on each listing
  • Friends’ Listings
    • Show all listings which have been created by current logged-in user’s friends
    • Search Filter: by Keywords, Address (street, city, zip/postal code, country), Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Reviewed)
      • Provide the Ability to sort the searching results (10 / 15 / 18 / 21 per page)
    • Each listing displays full information such as Listing Name, Thumbnail Image, Price, Creation Date, Owner Name, Country, Status, Number of Reviews, Rating Stars
    • Admin / Listing owner have the ability to Like / Comment / Share / Print / Review / Contact Seller on each listing
  • Google Map
    • Display a map popup (integrated with Google Maps) with 2 views (Map / Satellite) and zooming feature
    • Listings are indicated by pins on map
      • Each pin shows listings information such as: Listing Title, Location
    • Ability to search for specific Location, City, and Radius (Miles/Km)
  • Listing Details
    • Listing images are displayed in slideshow
    • Follow a listing to get notified about any changes
    • Ability to Add a review with rating stars
    • External sharing with AddThis, Email, Social Bookmarks
    • Internal sharing by Sharing on wall, Message
    • Ability to Like / Comment / Share / Print / Contact Seller
    • Owner / Admin also has the ability to Edit Listing / Delete Listing / Manage Photos / Send Invitations / Manage Invites / Feature / Un-feature / Sponsor / Un-sponsor
    • Additional blocks: Listing that Might Interest You, More From This Seller, etc
    • User can share Review for the listing,
  • Add New Listing
    • Selected Category with ability to input Title, Short Description, Description (TinyMCE editor)
    • Define Price for listing
    • Enable / Disable Instant Payment which allowing buyers to make payment through one of the available gateways
    • Ability to automatically mark “Sold” on successfully purchased item
    • Integrate with Google Maps to let seller select specific location of listing
    • Configuration privacy setting for Viewing / Commenting of new listing
  • Edit Listing
    • Ability to change Listing Details information
    • Manage listing’s photos: upload/remove photos
    • Internally invite friends from same social network to view listing
      • Provide the New Guest List to manage the list of friend will be invited
    • Externally invite other people to view listing via Email
    • Manage the invitations to see who has already visited the listing and who has not responded

Back End

  • Setting: Choose a default location with integrated Google Maps
  • Add Category: Add a new category or sub-Category
  • Manage Categories
    • Support multiple levels of categories / sub-categories 
    • Drag&drop to reorder categories / sub-categories
    • Support custom fields feature with Edit / Delete / Manage Custom Fields
  • Today Listings
    • Search for Today Listings by Listing Name, Owner Name, Category,  Period (From Date – To Date)
    • Ability to delete each listing
    • Mass deleting action on multiple listings
    • Set date for each Today Listings
  • Manage Listings
    • Search Listings by Listing Name, Owner Name, Category, Status, Featured, Sponsored, Draft
    • Ability to Edit / Delete / Set as Today Listing 
    • Feature / Sponsor Listings by indicated colored icon
    • Mass actions to Delete / Feature
  • Listings Statistics
    • Display statistics of the whole module such as: Total:  Listings, Available Listings, Closed Listings, Draft Listings, Approved Listings, Featured Listings, Sponsored Listings, Reviews, Reviewed Listings
  • Migration
    • Move all the database from default phpFox Marketplace to our Advanced Marketplace

Note: You can move database only one time.

  • User Groups Settings
    • Configure the ability to view expired listings
    • Enable / Disable auto approve sponsored listing
    • The ability to Sponsor a listing and to purchase a sponsored ad space
    • Set activity points for seller when adding a new listing
    • Control the number of photos for each listing
    • Permission to create / view / delete / feature listing and reviews
    • Deny or Allow to sell item
    • Define maximum file size for uploaded photos
    • Define the price for each sponsor space