Updates about issue “Neutron theme” on latest versions (phpFox 4.2.0 and above)
Recently, there have been many reports about issue “Neutron theme” after upgrading to latest versions of phpFox (4.2.0 and above), and we have also experienced it ourselves. In summary, admin cannot Edit Theme after Clearing Cache and Running a Cronjob. After upgrading website to phpFox latest versions (4.2.0 and above), clearing cache then running a Cronjob will automatically switch theme back to Neutron. Go to AdminCP >>> Themes >>> Edit (on Neutron theme) >>> instead of redirecting to editing page, it keeps refreshing.
We’ve conducted a further investigation on it. The issue was only happening on websites those have been upgraded from the previous version of phpFox. After clearing cache and running a cronjob, it triggers a phpFox core’s init.inc.php file, which automatically switching back to Neutron theme. However, since phpFox 4.2.0 and above are no longer supporting Neutron theme, so admin cannot edit that Neutron theme to make changes.
Therefore, we can confirm this is a core issue of the platform. We’ve also already reported it to the phpFox. For more information of the issue, you can follow on https://github.com/moxi9/phpfox/issues/1160 .
Finally, regarding to YouNet’s modules, we are releasing new patches for our products to overcome this issue. For those products that we have confirmed to work well on phpFox 4.2.2, it will surely not producing the same issue. However, please note that if your site is still having either one of our modules with older version (which not confirmed to work well on phpFox 4.2.2) or other 3rd-party modules (which may not been upgraded to overcome this), this core issue may be still occurring on your site.