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phpFox Android Application Open Beta Testing, join with us to get 10% discount off

As you might notice on our recent posting at, we are releasing Android Application for phpFox Social Network. We are so excited to bring the application to you as soon as possible. We almost finish basic features in this version, including Friends, Message, Photo, Event and ProfileMusic and Video are on the way. The application has been tested thoroughly in many devices and environments, but we still need more eyes. We really appreciate if you could give us a hand in testing before it could be delivered.

If you are willing to help us, please download application at Google Play, and join our testing program by filling the form at We would love to hear your suggestions. In return, we would like to offer 10% discount for your valuable time and support.

Moreover, by joining our testing program, you will have a great discount when this product is official released.

Please help us build an application which is exactly for your needs.