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phpFox Android Application

[V3] - Mobile Application - Android Version


This price is for Early Bird Purchase onlyPurchase Now! 

With the fast growing trend of mobile social networking, the line between mobile and web is being blurred. More and more people use mobiles and smart phones to access social networks every day. With the mission to keep your site up to date and make it more accessible, we are proud to introduce phpFox Andoird application (mFox) as a tool to increase mobility for your social network.

This application is a native mobile application specially designed for Android Device with the purpose of increasing interaction between members and your community. Your members are now able to access your community from everywhere to share instant updates and social activities. Android application also provides easy way to browse photos, send message, and participate in any event and more valuable features that your members will surely want to experience and enjoy.

Although this application is designed for mobile, it is still tightly connect with the phpFox admin site of your social network. All activities in mobile application will be managed by module settings in admin panel.

phpFox compatibility: 3.6.x –> 3.7.x
Product version: 3.01
Android Application Version: 1.3

Demo: Update Later


  • Setup Fee is not refunable
  • Login Splash Design: redesign login and splash page with your own style
  • After purchase, please submit ticket under Client Area with your Domain, we will build package (APK) for you to upload to your Google Play. You should have developer account in order to public the application:

Regarding the suggestion for 3rd party modules and YouNet one, we have decided to separate them into components. Which means, up to number of requests, we will release a new component to support that module and sell separately. It helps you pick the right one and NOT pay High Price for All Features, but not right for you.


  • Admin is able to customize CSS style and Left Navigation for mFox
  • Support module video and music
  • Members are able to view YouTube videos and play songs in mFox
  • Allow members to edit title, description of their owned videos/songs

Key Features

  • Enable your members to share instant social activities by supporting multiple modules: Friends, Message, Photo, Event, Profile, Video, Music.
  • Presents users a friendly interface with smooth navigation: larger buttons and inputs, easy navigation and awesome animation effects.
  • Provides users with quick navigation by adding a panel in the left. Users are able to switch between each module easily using this left navigation menu.

♦ Upcoming Release

  • Loading and Performance Improvement
  • UI/UX Improvement

Mobile Application Features

  • Sign in: Users who have already been members of your social network can sign in any time using this application. MFox also enable your members to request new password in case of forgetting password.
  • Instant updates: allow users to share instant status with your community faster than ever with options to like and comment.
  • Friends: provide quick access to friend list by selecting right panel. Your member can search for friend in friend list by name.
  • Mail/Message: sending message is now easier with mobile application:
    • Your members are allowed to compose and reply message instantly.
    • Members are able to view the content of a mail with option to reply or delete
    • Allow member to view inbox mail, sent mail and deleted mails
  • Photos and albums: your members will experience a fast way to browse, edit photo and album details:
    • Members now have the ability to capture and upload a photo instantly from mobile
    • A member is able to set  one of his photo as profile image or cover photo
    • Your members are allowed to like, comment or report a photo
    • Show list of people who like and comment on a photo
  • Event is now also available in mFox with many valuable features:
    • Provide members the ability to create, edit and participate in an event.
    • Allow a member to view owned past and future events. Friends’ events are also available to view with option to select a category.
    • Option to invite other members to an event
    • Show location of event in map
    • Show number of attendees of an event
  • Social media: with this application, your members are able to enjoy watching to videos and listening to music on mobile with option to search, like and comment
  • Profile: it is possible for a member to view his/her profile using this mobile application.
  • Notification system is also available on mobile to show number of notifications with option to allow members to view details

Admin Site – phpFox Module

Admin is able to configure settings for mFox in admin panel

  • Custom Styles: Create a custom style for interface with option to set background color for button, footer, menu and posts
  • Manage Styles: Allow admin to save and manage custom style
  • Navigation: Admin can manage all navigation of the left menu panel in front end with option edit, deleted, enable or disable any module