[V3] – Music Sharing
[V3] - Music Sharing
Music Sharing now fully supports Responsive and Mobile View
Music Sharing is fully integrated with Mobile Application
Music Sharing plugin creates a place for users to share their favorite songs and artists with PHPfox communities. Users can upload songs and create their theme albums/playlists. Also, songs are available for downloading and for sharing via other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter.
Best Compatibility: phpFox 3.7.x – 3.9.x
Product version: 3.04p6
Ajax mode supported: Yes
License key
- This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
- License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.
Demo: http://phpfox3.demo.younetco.com/musicsharing
- Add button to download and add to playlist in Song details page
- All playlists – Hide the “Play now” button if there is nothing in the play list
- Enable feed to show the image album picture once user create a playlist or album
Key Features
- Compatible with YouNet Responsive Template and Mobile View
- HTML 5 compatible: play albums / playlists / songs on HTML 5
- Import Music
- Album: create, edit, delete, upload songs / thumbnail to albums
- Playlist: create, edit, delete and set default: “Play on my profile for a playlist”
- Song: add lyric / singer / category
- Enable / Disable download option for albums
- Share songs via social network such as Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, etc
- Download songs
- Integrate with Social Publisher, Fox Favorite
Front End
- Browse All
- Top albums are displayed in slideshow
- Playlists are categorized as New Playlists – playlists have been recently added; and Top Playlists – playlist which have been played most
- Each playlist shows full information such as Playlist Name, Thumbnail Image, Uploader Name, Number of Plays
- Songs are also categorized as New Songs – song have been recently added; and Top Songs – songs which have been played most
- Each song shows full information such as Song Title, Album Name, Singer Name, Uploader Name, Number of Plays
- Ability to Download and Add Song To Playlist right on this page
- Switch types searching for songs or searching for albums
- Additional blocks: Categories, Singers, Top Downloads, Top Uploaders, New Albums, Site Statistics, etc
- All Songs
- Display all available songs
- Search for specific songs and sort by Name / Most Played
- Each song shows full information such as Song Title, Singer, Posted Date, Uploader Name, Number of Plays
- Ability to Download and Add Song To Playlist
- Additional blocks: Top Songs, New Songs
- My Songs
- Display all songs which have been uploaded by current logged-in user
- Search for specific songs and sort by Name / Most Played
- Each song shows full information such as Song Title, Singer, Posted Date, Number of Plays
- Ability to Download, Add Song To Playlist, Edit or Delete particular songs
- Friend’s Songs
- Display all songs which have been uploaded by the friends of current logged-in user
- Search for specific songs and sort by Name / Most Played
- Each song shows full information such as Song Title, Singer, Posted Date, Uploader Name, Number of Plays
- Ability to Download and Add Song To Playlist
- Song Details
- Song is played in player
- Ability to Rate song indicating by stars
- Separated sections for Description and Lyric
- External sharing with AddThis, Embed Link URL, HTML Code, Forum Code
- Internal sharing by re-posting On your wall or On a friend’s wall
- Ability to Like / Comment / Share / Report
- Upload a Song
- Select pre-created album for your song
- Browse for MP3 files on local computer and upload them to the album
- Edit a Song
- Select song’s Category
- Ability to edit song Title
- Choose a pre-defined singer or manually input other singer Name
- Input song Lyric
- All Albums
- Display all available albums
- Search for specific albums and sort by Most Recent / Most Played
- Each album shows full information such as Album Name, Number of Songs, Number of Plays, Released Date, Album Owner
- Additional blocks: Top Albums, New Albums
- My Albums
- Display all albums which have been created by current logged-in user
- Each album shows full information such as ID, Album Name, Number of Songs, Number of Plays
- Ability to Delete / Edit / Upload more songs / Play each album
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected albums
- Album Details
- Album Info such as Album Name, Album Description, Album Image
- Allow / Dis-allow users to download this album
- Configuration on Viewing and Commenting privacy
- Ability to View uploaded songs and Upload new songs to the album
- Each song shows full information such as Song Name, Singer, Category, File Size
- Ability to Edit / Delete each song
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected songs
- Re-order songs by moving up and down
- Play all songs in album in a same player
- Ability to Shuffle / Repeat played songs
- Create an Album
- Input Album Name and Album Description
- Allow / Dis-allow users to download this album
- Selected Album Image
- Configuration on Viewing and Commenting privacy
- All Playlists
- Display all available playlists
- Search for specific playlists and sort by Most Recent / Most Played
- Each playlist shows full information such as Playlist Name, Number of Songs, Number of Plays, Creation Date, Playlist Owner
- Additional blocks: Top Playlist, New Playlist
- My Playlists
- Display all playlists which have been created by current logged-in user
- Each playlist shows full information such as ID, Playlist Name, Number of Songs
- Ability to Edit / Delete / Play playlist
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected playlists
- Play on my profile feature to add a player on user profile
- Playlist Details
- Playlist Info such as Playlist Name, Playlist Description, Playlist Image
- Configuration on Viewing and Commenting privacy
- Ability to View added songs of the playlist
- Each song shows full information such as Song Name, Singer, Category, File Size
- Ability to Delete each song
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected songs
- Re-order songs by moving up and down
- Play all songs in the playlist in a same player
- Ability to Shuffle / Repeat played songs
- Uploaders
- Display all available uploaders – who have already created at least 1 album
- Search for specific uploaders and sort by All / Name / Most Albums
- Each uploader shows full information such as Name, Avatar, Number of created Albums
Back End
- Global Settings
- Enable / Disable public view on this content
- Set amount of songs / albums / playlists / artists per page
- Define maximum picture size
- Manage Albums
- Search for albums and Sort by Descending / Ascending
- Manage album information: album title, album image, created by, created date, total songs in album, and number of times the albums are played
- Option to Delete specific album
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected albums
- Manage Songs
- Search for songs and Sort by Descending / Ascending
- Manage song information: song title, album name, uploaded by, and number of times the song is played
- Option to Delete specific song
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected songs
- Manage Playlists
- Search for playlists and Sort by Descending / Ascending
- Manage playlist information: playlist name, playlist image, created by, created date, total songs
- Option to Delete specific playlist
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected playlists
- Categories
- Add / Edit / Delete categories
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected categories
- Singers
- Filter by Singer Types (For example: Singer – Musician / Singer / Musician)
- Add / Edit / Delete singers
- Mass action to Delete multiple selected singers
- Select Singer Image for each Singer
- Singer Types
- Add / Edit / Delete singer types
- User Group Settings: For each user group, specific settings are applied on
- Permission to view albums
- Permission to upload music to profile
- Permission to edit albums
- Maximum number of songs per album
- Maximum uploaded file size
- Maximum storage size for each user
- Maximum number of created playlists
- Maximum number of created albums
- Permission to create album
- Permission to download music
- Import Music
- Import songs from basic PHPfox Music module to Music Sharing module
- Manage User Groups
- Set privacy
- Allow user to control who can view playlists
- Allow user to control who can comment playlists
- Allow user to comment on songs
- Allow user to control who can comment on album