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[V4] – Tour Guide

[V4] - Tour Guide


(This is a product for phpFox version 4. If you’re looking for the same module for version 3, here it is:

Tour Guide is an essential tool to help you to create fully illustrated introduction for users. You can add  tour guide to any page and the number of tour guides in the whole system is not restricted. Your site will be friendlier and more attractive to users with this module.

Best compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x – 4.7.0
Product version: 4.02p1


Key Features

  • Admin can create Tour Guide for each page as well as add steps to each Tour Guide
  • User can view tour guide step by step in a specific page
  • User has ability to repeat tour guide
  • User can refresh tour guide, back to previous step or go to next step, end tour guide
  • Tour guide will be disabled when user finish tour guide

Front End


  • User can view tour guide step by step in a specific page
  • Can repeat tour guide
  • Refresh tour guide, back to previous step or go to next step, end tour guide
  • Tour guide will be disabled when user finish tour guide


  • Select any page at front end to add tour guide
  • Mark any place in selected page and add introduction in tour guide
  • Each page has only one tour guide

Back End

  • Manage all guides in Admin CP such as: edit, delete, change the order
  • Add new tour guide in Admin CP
    • Add name for the tour guide and the corresponding page which will display the tour guide
    • Configure who can view site’s tour guide: guest, member or anyone
    • Decide if the tour guide is auto run
  • Add new step of a tour guide. Admin will be redirected to front end page to edit this step
    • Select any element in the page to add tour guide step
    • Add description for the step
    • Set timer for the step in tour guide
    • Support multiple languages, admin can select which language will be used for the step
    • Select the background color, font color and position to display the step
  • Edit a specific step at back end: can edit all information of the step such as description, language, color and etc