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[V3] – FoxFeeds Pro

[V3] - FoxFeeds Pro



FoxFeeds Pro is inspired by one of our best-selling modules, News Feed, with significant improvement based on client’s need on content parsing.

With News Feed, your members must go to RSS provider website to read for the full content, which now is not necessary once the content could be read on your site with FoxFeeds Pro. FoxFeeds Pro comes with a new RSS reader along with a full content parsing component which allows reading the whole content of the RSS feeds. So, in order to read the article, members do not need to navigate away from your website any more. This will help visitors stay longer in your website.

phpFox compatibility: 3.6.x –> 3.8.x
Product version: 3.05p3
Ajax mode supported: Yes

Due to limited of technology, some special character such as Japaneses, Chinese will not be displayed correctly. We are upgrading the lib to support.
Please read the Installation Guide carefully when doing upgrading.

License key
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.

Knowledge Base:



  • Add image field in editor
  • Support Social Share buttons (Addthis) in news detail page
  • Support Responsive Template
  • Users/Pages can add a RSS provider 
  • News are published inside user profile or page
  • Update Parser to support Yahoo News
  • Add option for admin to change favicon

Key Features

  • Friendly URL (from /foxfeedspro to /news)
  • Allow admin to set the number of characters of news that will be displayed (for each provider instead of all as before)
  • Apply multiple category
  • Subscribe a category/rss to get latest news
  • Option to display/hide images in content
  • Display news by Manage User Group
  • Allows members to read news with full content at their site
  • Display and search news by category.
  • Filter news by tags: Members are easy to find the topics which are involved in tags
  • Search by category / sub-category
  • Improve approve feature in Admin Control Panel: Articles are no longer shown in Pending News if admin approve the articles
  • Synchronize news feed with language: Choose any or a particular language. If a feeds is for a particular language, only members who are using that language can see that news.
  • Number of news items to import per feed
  • User-friendly URL  for news and categories
  • Open news detail within website: entire news content is displayed on popup. Feature can be configured from the Admin Control Panel: when user selects a news link to view news detail, if the “View News Detail on Popup” option is set, instead of opening another window, an iFrame is created and target website is placed onto the frame.
  • Allow members to manage their created news / feeds


  • Browse All News. View Photo
    • Featured news is displayed in slideshow mode
    • A part of news’ content and photo will be displayed when hovering the mouse over it.
    • Many blocks to classify news: Most Discussed, Favorited News, Top News, Recent News
  • My RSS Providers. View Photo
    • List out RSS Providers added by current logging user.
    • Ability to delete providers.
    • Button to manually get news from a specific provider.
  • My News. View Photo
    • List out single pieces of news created by current logging user
    • Note: current logging user must add at least one provider first.
  • My Favorite News. View Photo
    • List out favorite news of current logging in user.
  • Add A RSS Provider. View Photo
    • RSS Provider Name: enter the name of the provider
    • RSS Provider Category: choose a category to classify the provider
    • RSS Provider Logo URL: link that contain provider’s logo
    • Upload Logo from Your Computer: if you do not have a link to provider’s logo, you can upload an image from your computer.
    • RSS Provider URL: URL which leads to news’ content
    • Language Package: language that the news is written.
    • RSS Feed Parse: Allow member to set the number of characters of news that will be displayed 
  • Add News. View Photo
    • Title: type in the news’s title
    • Author: who wrote this news
    • News URL Source: URL which leads to the source of this news
    • From RSS Provider: which provider is this news from?
    • Upload News Thumbnail Image: photo to be news’ thumbnail
    • Description: a brief introduction about this news
    • Content: compose content for this news
  • View a piece of news. View Photo
  • Add multiple levels of categories at front end
  • Manage RSS Providers at Member Profile
  • Manage RSS Providers ad Page
  • Integrate with Fox Favorite


  • Featured News Management. View Photo
    • Filter Featured News by RSS Provider
    •  Feature / Un-feature news
  • News Management. View Photo
    •  Filter All News by RSS Provider
    • Feature/Un-feature news
  • RSS Provider Management. View Photo
    • Filter RSS Provider y name, status, category name
    • Active/Inactive RSS Provider
    • Get Data From Provider.
  • Add A New RSS Provider. View Photo
    • RSS Provider Name/ Logo
    • Language Package
    • Items per Feed to import
    • Allow admin to set the number of characters of news that will be displayed (for each provider instead of all as before)
  • Manage Categories. View Photo
    • Active/ Inactive
  • Add A Category. View Photo
  • Pending News. View Photo
  • Pending RSS Providers. View Photo
  • Manage Settings. View Photo
  • Manage user Group. View Photo


1. How to manually add a piece of news in FoxFeeds Pro?

-> Answer

2. Why sometime pieces of news do not have the thumbnails?

-> Answer

3. I get a blank page with loading bar when clicking on news title

-> Answer