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Coupon 3.02 – One big upgrade with new features

October 8, 2013 | 3942 Views

Since launch in March 2013, Coupon is one of the most interesting products on the market. It is a unique module that allows administrators of phpFox sites to manage and receive benefits from a coupon marketplace. This tour guide will walk you through how to use and manage this module at new version 3.02. The following functions will be mentioned:

  • Customize print layout on back end and use it on front end

  • Freely input coupon code

  • Support multi-currency 

  • Search coupons in global search box

  • Use some settings on adminCP

1. Customize print layout on back end and use it on front end.

This is a new feature on Coupon version 3.02, it allows administrators to create beautiful layouts for coupons. On the ‘Manage modules’ page in adminCP,  ‘Add Print Template’ option, administrators can edit the templates on the area #1 and check the position on the area #2 (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Administrators can manage the templates by  going to ‘Manage Print Templates’ menu (Figure 2) and view them (Figure 3)

Figure 2

Figure 3

When a user creates a coupon, he is able to choose one of customized print layouts (Figure 4).

Figure 4

The layout will appear after user claims the coupon and clicks on print button (Figure 5)

Figure 5

2. Freely input coupon code

Unlike the previous version, at version 3.02 the module now supports up to 30 characters. Besides, special characters are allowed. Users can add their custom code when creating a coupon (Figure 6), the code will be displayed when someone claims it (Figure 7)

Figure 6

Figure 7

3. Support multi-currency

Multi-currency support is one of the most important feedbacks we received from customers and now it is officially included into this verson. When creating a coupon, if coupon owners choose the discount value as ‘Price’, a list of currencies will be shown (Figure 8).

Figure 8

4. Search coupons in global search box

At this version, the Coupon module now supports the global search of phpFox site, users now can easily find the coupons for their needs with the search bar on top of the site (Figure 9).

Figure 9

5. Use some settings on adminCP

a. Ending soon option

The Coupon supports  ‘Ending soon’ option which will catch user eyes when items will be ended soon. Administrators can edit this setting by going to: adminCP => Settings => Manage Settings => Coupon => ‘Ending Soon Setting’. When the items are on the ‘Ending soon’ mode, it will be marked with a red bar (Figure 10).

Figure 10

b.  Claim options:

There is a setting on User Group Setting (Figure 11) that can allow users to control the claiming process. If the option: ‘Can control if a user can claim on their coupon?’ is on, coupon owner can decide who can claim their coupons.

Figure 11

When this option is turned on, the ‘Claims privacy’ option will be shown (Figure 12).

Figure 12

If users don’t have the claim privacy, the button will not be displayed (Figure 13).

Figure 13


We hope that this tutorial will bring you a sense about major changes of Coupon on version 3.02, those functions strengthen the module from the layout to the detailed processes. If you have any question, please contact us via following links:


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