Compatibility of YouNetCo apps on phpFox 4.6.0
Happy New Year and We hope all the best for you in 2018!
As you all know, the RC version of phpFox 4.6.0 was just released a few days ago, and we are all counting down to its official release. In YouNetCo, we are amazed what phpFox has done in the version 4.6.0. It looks perfect. Congratulate phpFox team!
Our team has been already working on the process of checking for compatibility since the release of phpFox 4.6.0 beta. As the most significant update in term of functionalities and appearance, there are probably several changes in the Core with which require our products to upgrade to be compatible. Moreover, due to several products to check, the whole process might take us quite a lot of time to finish. We plan to prioritize the checking process for the most used and most popular products first. The rest will be upgraded then. Same as our older compatibility checks, we will keep you updated on the progress frequently.
According to our plan, the whole process for all products is supposed to complete around the end of January 2018. We hope you can understand and be patient with us during the process.
For now, we strongly recommend you NOT to upgrade your Production site to phpFox 4.6.0 until ALL of our phpFox apps are compatible with this new version of phpFox.
Please stay tuned and wait for more updates and announcements from our blog.