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Compatibility status of YouNet V4 apps on phpFox Neutron 4.4

If you notice, phpFox has just released the official version of their Neutron 4.4. Thus, we have been recently receiving many questions and requests to upgrade our products. But no worry! As always, we do really care about our customers’ concerns so we’ve already started and currently being in the progress of checking all of our apps. We trying to release the new patches to be compatible with latest phpFox versions as soon as possible.  Up to date, the following apps have been already confirmed to be compatible with phpFox 4.4 so far:

For the rest, we will try our best to have all upgraded by the end of July. In the meantime, to celebrate this occasion, we would like to offer 15% off on all purchases of our apps (exclude packages and mobile application). The promotion is valid until end of July 31st (GMT +7). 

Many more releases are coming, please stay tuned for more updates.