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[V3] – Social Connect

[V3] - Social Connect



(This is a product for phpFox version 3. If you’re looking for the same module for version 4, here it is:

Social Connect is a safe, fast, and easy way to log in by using existing accounts from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Windows Live. With Social Connect, saving time to sign up and securing password will make your website more friendlyprofessional, and interactive. Social Connect not only helps you to reduce customer care and password recovery cost but also achieve greater customer satisfaction by eliminating the frustration associated with user forgetting login credentials (usernames and passwords).

phpFox compatibility: 3.6.x –> 3.9.0
Product version: 3.05p3
Ajax mode supported: Yes

License key
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license
License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area

Dependency: You must install Social Bridge – available when you purchase this module – to run this plugin

We changed the way to authenticate with LinkedIn from our central server to client server. Due to LinkedIn’s API privacy, existing users who connected with Social Connect using LinkedIn have to create new account

Knowledge Base:


  • Compatible with LinkedIn API OAuth 2.0
  • Allow admin to map fields from other platforms to phpfox fields.
  • Manage settings to configure size of provider’s icons and position of block that contains provider’s icons on landing page

 Key Features

  • Allow users to get data from OpenID providers and OAuth2 service such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Windows Live.
  • To change Logo and Brand of OpenID server; you must setup OpenID server.
  • Fields mapping from major platforms to phpfox fields.
  • Allow users to associate multiple OpenId accounts.
  • Single sign-on: let users login automatically if he / she has logged in one of associated OpenID accounts or associated accounts using OAuth2 protocol.

Front End

  • Select provider and log in. View Photo
  • Auto connects to Contact Importer to show friend list for the first login. Notice that this feature is active if the provider on Social Connect is in provider list of Contact Importer. View Photo

Back End

  • Manage providers: View Photo
    • Enable / disable any service
    • Display quick sign in (up) on login-or-join widgets
    • Set providers in a specific order
  • Statistics by providers for total signup and total login. View Photo
  • Manage settings. View Photo