[V3] – User Profile Completeness Like LikedIn

[V3] - User Profile Completeness Like LinkedIn
User Profile Completeness is the block that shows own profile completeness status. It allows administrators to select profile fields as mandatory for a user to achieve 100% profile completeness status.
phpFox compatibility: 3.6.x –> 3.7.x
Product version: 3.02p2
Ajax mode supported: Yes
License key:
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.
Knowledge Base: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/category/phpfox-product/phpfox-user-profile-completeness-like-linkedin
Demo: http://phpfox3.demo.younetco.com/profile-3199/
Key Features
- Apply custom field for Profile Completeness New
- Apply color picker to set color for progress bar New
- Display own profile completeness status
- Allow administrators to select profile fields and setting the these fields’ weight
- Support Custom Field New
Front End
- Show the percentage of profile completeness status
- Current logged-in users can add more information to complete their profile
- Suggest the next information which users should add
Back End
Weight Settings
- Define the weight for each profile field which is used to calculate the percentage of profile completeness status.
Global Settings
- Edit the Profile Completeness color
- Set up Profile Photo Weight
- Allow to show Profile Completeness when the profile information is completed
BackEnd – Add Custom Field
Back End – Weight Settings
Back End – Global Settings
Front End – Update Profile
Front End – Profile Completeness