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Announcement – Summary of Phpfox V4 Upgrade Status

Well! As promises, we are trying our best to upgrade existed products and release new ones to satisfy the needs of being compatible with phpFox Neutron. Even though we regularly sent out announcements whenever we launch new updates and releases to the market, some of our valued customers still miss them unintentionally. Thus today we would like to summarize all of our latest Updates and Releases:

  • [V4 App] – Contact Importer
    • Invite friends using email providers / social networking platforms
    • Integrate importing CSV and VCF into Contact Importer
    • Custom Invitation Link
  • [V4 App] – Social Connect
    • Allow users to get data from OpenID providers and OAuth2 service such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Windows Live.
    • Allow users to associate multiple OpenID accounts.
    • Single sign-on: let users login automatically if he / she has logged in one of associated OpenID accounts or associated accounts using OAuth2 protocol.
  • [V4] – Auction System liked Ebay
    • Members can create auctions for others to bids, make offer, and buy now
    • Seller management: approve/deny offer, selling statistics, shipping and payment, bid history, offer history, etc.
    • Buyer management: my bids, didn’t win, my won bids, my offers, my watched list, etc
  • [V4] – Business Directory
    • Members can create their own business or create business for others to claim
    • Rate and Review, Transfer Owner, Work Here, Check-in
    • Business Comparison
  • [V4] – Mobile Application
    • Fancy layout with completely new and trendy design
    • Authentication on email sign up/sign in , avatar cropping tool, forget/renew password
    • Still supporting default phpFox modules: Event, Music, Page, Blog, Marketplace, Forum, Quiz, Poll.

These are just brief summary of each product, for their full features and functions, please visit their individual postings.

Please also stay tuned with our blog announcement for the next updates and releases.