[V3] – Social Media Importer

[V3] - Social Media Importer
Social Media Importer is one of our best-selling Social Product Family, including Social Connect, Contact Importer, and Social Stream. Media contents of users might be distributed on many different social network platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, and Picasa, the module helps users to import and centralize all Photo in one place on your site. Thanks to that the number of user generated contents on your site incredibly increased. In addition, this module allows users to set these photos to be either private or public through “Privacy Setting”.
More importantly, with huge improvement in performance, and optimization, members are now able to import a huge amount of photos by a single click. Cronjob technique is also applied to allow importing process running in background, which will not affect your site performance.
Best compatibility: phpFox 3.7.x –> 3.8.x
Product version: 3.03p3
Ajax mode supported: Yes
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.
- Social Media Importer supports importing Photo from Facebook, Instagram,Flickr, and Picasa. The photos which were already imported will be noted to prevent duplication
- Due to change in Facebook API, you need to apply for user_photos permission in order to get photos from Facebook.
- Albums/Photos are kept temporarily in 30 minutes for viewing. Besides, Refresh Button allows members to update their albums and photos immediately
Knowledge Base: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/category/phpfox-product/social-media-importer
Demo: http://phpfox3.demo.younetco.com/socialmediaimporter/connect/
- Compatible with Facebook API v2.5
- Replace global variables to specific name
Key Features
- Update Graphic User Interface New
- Import albums, photos from Picasa New
- Refresh Button to update albums or photos New
- Increase Performance by applying Cronjob to import photos automatically New
- Notify status of importing when Cronjob operate New
- Group Feeds on Wall New
- Check quota of importing per time to import, and quota of storage per user New
- Import albums, photos from Facebook, Flickr and Instagram
- Set privacy for viewing albums and photos
- Post feed on home page when albums, photos are imported from Facebook, Flickr or Instagram
Front End
- Create connection to Facebook. Flickr, Instagram and Picasa
- Members can select one or many albums/photos to import
- Refresh Button allows members to update their albums/photos immediately
- When importing many albums/photos, 2 options are supported to import albums/photos now as well as automatically later with scheduled task.
- Set privacy for viewing albums, photos: everyone, friends, friends of friends, only me, custom
- Group feeds on wall when albums, photos are imported from Facebook, Flickr, Instagram and Picasa
- View imported albums, photos of all members on Photos module
Back End
- Manage Social Providers
- Manage Settings
- User Group Settings
- Front End – Social Media Importer
- Front End – Import Albums From Facebook
- Front End – Steps to Import Albums
- Front End – Import Photos from Facebook
- Front End – Steps to Import Photos
- Front End – Notify Status of Importing when Cronjob run
- Front End – Group Feeds on Wall
- Front End – Import Photos in Albums
- Front End – Import Albums from Flickr
- Front End – Import Photos from Flickr
- Front End – Import Photos from Instagram
- Front End – Import Albums from Picasa
- Back End – Manage Social Providers
- Back End – Manage Settings
- Back End – User Group Settings
1. How to apply for Facebook permission?
-> Answer