Birthday Reminder
[V3] - Birthday Reminder
If you would like to remind your member to stay connect with your site, Birthday Reminder is the ideal tool. Birthday Reminder will send happy birthday emails to members with option to create events. In other words, Birthday Reminder will remind your members to visit the site in order to see what is new and stay longer with your site.
phpFox compatibility: 3.6.x –> 3.8.x
Product version: 3.01
License key:
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.
Key Features
- Send a happy birthday email to each member
- Create an event for each birthday
- Enable admin to configure settings for email content, time to send reminder and birthday event
- Support both Event and Advanced Event modules
Front End
- Event:
- Create a birthday event for each member’s birthday. View Photo
- Owner of the birthday will also be the owner of that birthday event. View Photo
Back End
- Edit Email: View Photo
- Enable admin to set the default content for happy birthday email
- Global Settings: View Photo
- Option for admin to enable or disable birthday event creation
- Allow admin to set the number of days before birthday to send reminder and create event